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Monday 26 November 2012

UK Art Competitions 2013

This post is a list of art competitions that I want to keep my eye on over the next few years.

It's subject to being changed and added to as I find more competitions. I think art competitions seem like lots of fun so I'm going to go for a couple this year and even more once I finish university.

I'm going to try and cover a wide variety of mediums (from found object work to photography and everything in between) but obviously I might miss some by accident. Feel free to tell me about any I should include.

The competitions are ordered in relation to their submission deadlines.

1) 31 December 2012 Environmental Photographer of the Year - Photography only.

2) 11 & 12 January 2013 Lynn Painter-Stainer Prize - Painting and Drawing only.

3) 31 January 2013 Parliament Art House (Primary School Students only) - any 2D medium.

4) 28 February 2013 Discover Wildlife - any medium except photography.

5) 2nd April 2013 The Lumen Prize - any medium.

6) 11:59pm on 1 July 2013. The Derwent Art Prize - Pencil Only (graphite and colour).

7) 2013 Date not posted yet. Salon Art Prize - any medium, including sound - new competition details coming early 2013.

8) 2013 dates not posted yet - but calls for entrys begin mid december. BP Portrait Award - Paint only

9) 2013 Date not posted yet. Photography and Artwork.com - Any Medium.

10) 2013 dates not posted yet. ING Discerning Eye Exhibition - not sure about mediums as threy haven't released the info for the 2013 competition.

11) 2013 Date not posted yet. Brick Lane Gallery - Any Medium.

12) 2013 deadline already closed so apply for 2014 exhibition - details not posted yet.Cork Street Open Exhibition - any medium that doesnt need electricity to run.

A good website to visit for exhibition dates is isendyouthis.

A good Blog for competition dates called Making a Mark.

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