I have a tumblr blog and an Etsy shop.

Find me on twitter @Sophieamyart

Monday 21 May 2012

First Post on my new Blog

I thought I'd start a blog to keep my work up to date with the modern world. I have started experimenting with colour, producing very colourful, yet single toned equine portraits. Pictures of which I shall post once I have completed a couple more.

I also started thinking up what my third year university Fine Art project could be. My last one was about Narrative, focusing on the simple way storys get more and more complex, again I'll post pictures at a later date. I want to research Frankenstein and Im thinking of perhaps using it as inspiration to knit either different peoples facial features together or to combine human and animal features.

So hopefully this will develop through this blog, using it as an online sketch book.

I also have a facebook page and my flickr account

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