I have a tumblr blog and an Etsy shop.

Find me on twitter @Sophieamyart

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Possible Career Decisions

I have decided today that I would really love to be a digital designer of some-sort. I still need to email around and make a few more perminant decisions after a bit of solid advice and some more research.

I like the flexibility it gives me. I could potentially work in advertising then move to designing movie posters or book covers because the skills are transferable once you know the software.

So I've ordered Painter 12 along with a Wacom tablet. I'm going to experiment with a combination of oil painting, mixed media and then finally digitally painting the pieces.

I'm really excited for my stuff to arrive, just got to go computer shopping, as this old laptop of mine wouldn't have enough memory to hold the software and its resulting pieces of work.

In other news, the volunteer interview I went for was a bit of a waste of time. The person interviewing me was 15 minutes (at least) late, so i left. Bit of a bummer for a couple of hours driving but c'est le vie. I got to see some beautiful miniature wildflower meadows and a really healthy looking Rose Chafer beetle. So all in all it was a good day.

See examples of my work and keep up-to-date on my facebook or my flickr account

Monday, 28 May 2012

Yet Another Jewel Coloured Horse

I have completed two new paintings; one is much more successful than the other. The blue one which I am posting at the bottom of this post and a sunny yellow/orange one.

Im thinking of posting a kind of goal driven to do list. Hopefully if anyone comes across my blog and reads it they'll have advice for me. Hopefully from people who have been there and done it, or who are going through a similar process.

I'm going to tick off the smaller goals as I post.

I also need to start my dissertation planning. I think I know what to write about, but I'll keep this blog updated about the research.

So yes. In the meantime heres my cob painting.

See more examples of my work on my facebook or my flickr account

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The first Steps of my Career

Well more like the act of packing a adorable little polka dot handkerchief.

I actually wrote a CV *gasp* and sent it to galleries who were advertising for volunteers *double gasp*

But yes, I got a reply from a nice museum who want me to come to an information session. It may seem a little redundant getting an unpaid position but with art being such a sparse jobs market any experience is good experience. and I want to get the volunteer part of art hopefully out of the way.

I'm currently working for my family's firm, making adverts and their annual calender so that's technically creative experience too. I feel like I'm heading in the right direction. Even if I'm unsure of the eventual destination.

So yes, imagine me as a little art hobo.

Although I do have less time for actual art work, I figure a painting a week is a good aim.

I have completed a white, bay and black horse and have a dun and a chestnut all sketched up and ready to rock.

I want to get the dun done *giggle* tomorrow after a short trip into uni as I'll get home earlier than if I went into work. I'm thinking a nice mustard yellow for him. I know it isn't technically a jewel but ah well. It's nice and vibrant.

Also should I have a sign off signiture?

See examples of my work and keep up-to-date on my facebook or my flickr account

Monday, 21 May 2012

Preview of my Jewel Coloured horses.

Baby Blue Mohawk. Thinking that white/grey horses will be done in this blue, or a light mint green. Basically I'm avoiding any paint with red undertones, as it could look a bit girly and Mo is anything but girly.

And also my baby boy, Jacko. I felt he should have a butch teal tone to show off his cute wall eye. he's back/very dark bay.

second post of the day :) I have completed another painting of a bay that's too wet and shiney to photograph.

See more examples of my work on my facebook or my flickr account

First Post on my new Blog

I thought I'd start a blog to keep my work up to date with the modern world. I have started experimenting with colour, producing very colourful, yet single toned equine portraits. Pictures of which I shall post once I have completed a couple more.

I also started thinking up what my third year university Fine Art project could be. My last one was about Narrative, focusing on the simple way storys get more and more complex, again I'll post pictures at a later date. I want to research Frankenstein and Im thinking of perhaps using it as inspiration to knit either different peoples facial features together or to combine human and animal features.

So hopefully this will develop through this blog, using it as an online sketch book.

I also have a facebook page and my flickr account