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Find me on twitter @Sophieamyart

Friday 31 January 2014

Frequently Asked Questions.

1) What sizes are available?

I do two ranges of paintings.

Miniatures which are small square paintings that get parts of animals faces painted onto them rather than whole faces. I can paint the whole head of a dog onto these square portraits

"Head and Shoulders" paintings where I paint whole portraits not he canvases.

Miniatures come in three sizes.
10x10cm priced at £40.
15x15cm priced at £60.
20x20cm priced at £80.

Head and Shoulder paintings also come in three sizes.
25cmX20xm priced at £140. (suitable for small animals and cats)
41cmX30cm priced at £180. (suitable for dogs)
56cmX46cm priced at £260. (suitable for horses and large domestic animals)

2) What size would be best for me?

The different painting ranges suit different peoples taste. The miniature paintings are more modern and abstract and the large "head and shoulders" paintings are more traditional.

I can paint any animal on any sized miniature, but it will be part of the face rather than the whole thing.

The head and shoulders paintings are more restrictive.
The smallest size is suitable for rodents and reptiles.
The medium size is suitable for dogs and cats.
The largest size is suitable for horses and farm animals.

3) Which colour?

In general everyone has a colour they like for their pet. We often know what collar suits our dog or what coloured rug we put on our horse. All the colours look nice, it depends on what colours you like.

Lots of things can effect how a colour will look for you specific pet - lighting and your animals actual colouration for example. If in doubt ask - I usually have some example images I can show you.

I have a blog post detailing which paint colours suit which animal colours here.

I have also started painting Real Colour portraits, you can find more details of these paintings here(realcolour blog post).

4)How many animals can I have painted?

You can have up to three animals painted on a canvas, but you will probably need to "size up" the canvas, increasing the price. I can quote you based on your individual photographs however. It costs £50 more if you want two heads rather than one.

5) When do I pay?

You pay an initial 25% deposit for your painting in order to book its slot, this amount is nonrefundable once I have started your painting. You pay the remaining 75% once the painting is completed.

6) How do I pay?

I accept paypal as I find it is the easiest and safest way for everyone, but I am adaptable. I can also set up payment plans starting from as little as £20 per month until your painting is paid for.

7) What should I do if my painting gets damaged?

The best way to heal a dented or stretched canvas is with water - take a damp sponge to the back of the canvas, wetting the fabric in a circle around the damage.
If the damage happened during the shipping process please contact me.

Choosing a colour for your pet.

Quick warning - this post will have lots of photos in, so may take a while to load.

Choosing a colour for your painting can be tricky. I know from experience as I have half finished painting of my dog Maisie that has taken 4 years to even get this far.

The easiest way to decide on what colour to get painted is to look at what colours you automatically choose for your pet.

For example - my boy Jacko wears either red or different types of blue. Since the way I paint means red is actually pink I could easily narrow my decision down to blue shades. My favourite type of blue is the tone right in between blue and green - so turquoise. This makes my process seem quite long winded - but it was a very quick decision in reality

This type of choice isn't fool proof - chestnut horses generally look amazing painted pink, but people often find pink rugs and head collars clash with their rich coat.

Another example is with my two dogs. They are very different personality-wise but wear quite similar colours.

Maisie - under all her fluff has a red collar.

Alice has a pink harness but also a purple collar (because accessories...)

Maisie doesn't suit pink. at. all. While Alice suits almost any colour, So (when I get around to painting them) I think I will simply swap their colours over - Alice a naughty candy pink, and Maisie a royal purple.

Another thing that can often dictate what colour will look good is the photo itself. The paler, more subtle colours that have gold or orange tones really benefit from photographs that have lots of highlights.

Photos where half the face is in shadow, and half in strong light, like in this photo of my super fluffy cat.

Hope this helps everyone make more confident colour decisions.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year Offer

Hello everyone, hope your have a fabulous new year with your friends and family.

This offer only stands for january 2014 only, although if people like trying-before-buying I very likely to repeat this experience. So let me know.

First a few guidelines.

-You have the whole of january to post your photos.

-It can be any animal that your own.

-Only one animal per canvas.

-You can put up as many photos as you like.

-You can choose the style you prefer : either "multiple-miniature" or "large-singular" and can request a colour or you can leave it as a surprise.

-I will photograph any resulting paintings as soon as possible after they are finished.

-I will not alert you if your beloved pet as been chosen, you need to keep checking back on my Facebook page.

-If you like idea but are not able to photograph your pet for any reason let me know so I can alert your personally if I repeat this offer later on in the year.

I think that's about it, if you have any further questions just ask.

Price and Canvas size reminders

Large Singular Portraits - £200

Medium Singular Portraits - £150

Small Singular Portraits - £100

10cm Miniature Portrait - £20

15cm Miniature Portrait - £25

20cm Miniature Portrait - £30

You can request real colour on these smaller portraits - but there will be an extra 50% charge on their original prices.

Hope that explained the offer very throughly, any questions or objections please don't hesitate to ask.