I have a tumblr blog and an Etsy shop.

Find me on twitter @Sophieamyart

Wednesday 8 August 2012

How to take a Photo in Preparation for a Commision

Thought I'd pop this page into my blog to direct people on how to take a good photograph for my paintings or sketches, using my own little gaggle of pets.

Tip 1)Use Natural light. Theres nothing worse than a flash making them over shiney, losing detail.

Tip 2)Get down to their height rather than taking the photo from above them.

Compared with...

Tip 3)Ears Forward.(not my horse, he just always tries to eat my camera)

Compared with...

Tip 4)An open mouth on dogs gives them a cute smile.

Tip 5)And if your animal is too wriggly and will not let you take a photo, a sleeping animal is just as cute as an awake one.

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