I have a tumblr blog and an Etsy shop.

Find me on twitter @Sophieamyart

Thursday 20 June 2013

Hamster Painting

I have decided to branch out a little, in animal size and canvas size.

This little hamster portrait is only 10x8 inches meaning it is a lot more manageable for peoples homes and provide the ideal pop of colour. I also like it because it gives owners of more unusual pets a chance to have their portraits painted.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

June Portrait Competition

What you will win:

The winner will receive a free portrait of their horse or pony.


It will be in any single colour they choose.

The portrait will be a "head and shoulders" painting of one horse or pony.

If the winner wants more than one portrait I will offer very good discounts for the winner.

The portrait will be 18 x 22 inches.

See here for example work.

How to enter

Like and share my facebook page.

How do you know if you are the winner?

The winner will be announced on the 24th of June on my facebook page.

The winner will also receive a facebook message by 1pm.

Monday 10 June 2013

Degree Show and Beyond...

The unthinkable has happened, I have (nearly) completed my third and final year at university.

We had a wonderful degree show, with a full and lively private view and a really fun show at The Old Truman Brewery.

It has been a fabulous experience and I feel able to make the first steps into adult life.

Overview of my entire piece titled My Death Bed.

It may not seem the cheeriest of titles but it is about the importance of childhood memories during a person last moments of life.

It was brilliant fun and has got me itching to do another show.